Three Weeks on the Road
It has now been three weeks of my four month “Flying Solo” Journey and let me tell you, it feels like it has been three months. So much has happened on so many levels. Friends ask me how I am liking it and if I am ready to go back home yet. The answer is, “I love it” and “no, I’m not ready to go back home.
I find myself in the mountains of Colorado, getting to know the people and I even met a man that I am having fun with. In fact, I have met several men. I never meet men in the Sedona area that I resonate with. There is something about the outdoorsy, mountain life that fits me. All I need to do is walk down the street and people will strike up conversations with me.
I went to a “trance dance” on the Summer Solstice and already knew four people there, I had met in the past week, not including the man I went with. I was already beginning to feel a part of the community and the community seems to embrace me.
My desire to “move on” too far out of the area I am in is non-existent. Perhaps one day I will feel differently, but now, I feel “at home” here in the mountains. I am not flying too fast, or too far, nor am I going at it completely alone.
We all need to make peace with ourselves and find that “self-love” that allows our inner light to shine brightly. Our “inner light” is our most attractive quality. I feel the more “free spirited” and happy I am, the more people magnetize into my orbit.
The true “flying solo” journey is really about nurturing my relationship with “Self.” It is about embracing life single and when we can truly embrace our “single self” we my find that being single becomes a choice rather than a circumstance.
We are all “single” in the deepest sense of the word. We call come into this world alone and we leave this world alone. We all have to make our own decisions, even if we are coupled, and we have to make the decision to do what is in our highest and best interest. Sometimes that might mean staying in a relationship, and sometimes it might mean letting go of one.
Many people won’t leave unhealthy, unfulfilling, or toxic relationships because of a fear of being alone. What I have found is that “alone” is a choice. When we can truly nurture our relationship with ourselves, we can more easily nurture relationships with others and enjoy the company of many people. We may not have someone in our life that we share a bed with at night, but for some of us, crawling into our own bed at night can be the most delicious part of our solo journey.
I love my van bed! Just as I love my bed at home. Crawling into bed alone at night is my time of deep meditation. It is the time when I connect fully with the divine and process the events of the day. It has been a long time since I felt I missed having someone to share that space with. It would take a very special person to give that up.
Where I find myself today, the hiking is great! The temperature is in the seventies and the air is fresh and clean. The mountain peaks reach high into the sky and the waters are pouring down from the mountains from every crevasse. There are an abundance of streams, creeks and rivers, tall pine trees, aspens and other beautiful trees. In June the wild flowers are in bloom. I feel I am in bloom as well; fully alive; fully embracing the journey.
And so the journey continues……