Plant Based Lifestyle

One of my commitments in life is the commitment to my own health and also the health of the planet.  Somewhere along the road of life I began to let go of the things that weren’t working and embracing the things that were.  I adopted a plant based, vegan diet and have not looked back.  I love eating this way and I love the way it makes me feel.

As someone who has battled with auto immune disorders and Lyme Disease, my diet is very important to staying healthy and vibrant.  Eating more plants helps me to be more connected to nature.  Nature is the greatest healer.

I also have great compassion for all living things and the animals we use for food are not treated well at all.  I could not, in good conscience, participate in any way, in the horrific abuse these animals go through.

In my research, a plant based diet is one of the healthiest diets one can have and I feel I am doing my best to take good care of myself by adopting this lifestyle.

So how do I eat healthy on the road?  Well, I often travel with fruits and veggies and bring my own food.  I research vegan restaurants in the areas I am traveling, but with my van I also have an outdoor kitchen where I will prepare my normal meals.  I won’t have my food processor or blender with me, so will change it up a bit, and I don’t have much space to store food so will need to make small batches and shop more often.

Fresh fruit is nature’s ultimate fast food, so I plan to have fruit hanging in mesh baskets.  I will probably carry around a really great jar of sprouted almond butter that I can put on sliced apples or celery.  Water is my drink of choice.  Making fresh salads in the summer is always easy and tasty.  Buying a good quality gluten free wrap is always good for traveling, so you can put your salad in the wrap.  Using hummus as a spread on the wrap is also amazing.  I like to make a quinoa salad and put that in my wraps.  I have my two burner Coleman stove so can make oatmeal, rice and quinoa on the road, along with plenty of veggies.  I like to keep it simple, but make it delicious, nutritious and quick!