Driving on the Beach, Long Beach, Astoria and Fort Stevens State Park
It always feels good to pack up the van and pull out to the next destination. Especially when I have no idea where that is. There is something magical about just letting myself be guided; going where the wind blows me, so to speak.
I didn’t need to go far before I found myself at my next destination, Long Beach, Washington. Long Beach boasts itself as being the Worlds Longest Beach, however it is really a 28 mile long Peninsula. Yes, I drove the length of it.
What I really liked about Long Beach, was, like Westport, it just wasn’t that crowded. Not like the Oregon Coastal towns. Driving onto the beach was legal and so I took my Van right onto the beach with the back facing the ocean. When the winds got heavy, it was cold or the sun intense, I could seek shelter in the van. One couldn’t ask for a better view.
In Long Beach, I spent the majority of my time, not at the beach, but on the beach. We couldn’t camp overnight there, so I found a vacant City Lot where Van Lifers were parked for the night. Other than having a horrible nightmare that my Van was being broken into and I was being violently attacked, the night went well.
In telling a friend about the nightmare, she suggested it might be more symbolic about someone in my life who really wants to hurt me and cause me pain. My friend felt my Van represented my home, or personal space and the attacker a significant person in my life who would probably love it if I was no longer on the planet. Yes, this is a real person.
I’ve learned that although some people may not like me and want me to suffer, I would give no energy to the attacks. I recognized that it is never about me, but rather about the person who is projecting their own inner demons upon me. Not my demons! You leave someone like this alone with their demons long enough, their own demons will turn against them in time. Meanwhile I get on with my life and leave them in my rear view mirror.
After my night in Long Beach, I drove on down the road to find a place where I could make my tea, kick back and write in my journal. I found a sweet little County Park on the Columbia River. The Columbia River comes down from Canada, through Washington, the Washington Gorge, Portland, Oregon and joining the Pacific Ocean at Astoria, Oregon. It is a very large river.
In past trips, I noticed I was often destination oriented and didn’t take the time to stop and smell the roses, or drink the coffee. This time was different. I really wanted to take my time and really explore what the places I visited had to offer.
On my way to Long Beach I found this really cool coffee house on the River in South Bend, Washington. I hung out there, charged my electronics, and wrote a blog post. I tried their curry lentil soup which was Vegan, and they had a vegan treat to go with my decaf Americano. It is not so often I find places where I can order something that fits my diet. It is a rare find, and a great treat to find such a place.
gh I have crossed the long bridge to Astoria many times, I actually never turned left to go into the City of Astoria and check out it’s historic Downtown. This time I made the left. I’m glad I did. I browsed through a couple shops, talked to few people and enjoyed the quaint old town.
The bridge from Washington to Astoria, Oregon is 4.1 miles long. It crosses the Columbia River and goes up very high so the ships going out to Sea can sail under the bridge. The Columbia River separates Washington from Oregon in many places.
My next stop was across another big draw bridge from Astoria to Warrington. Warrington had a Natural Grocers and a Starbucks in one parking lot….SCORE!
Warrington is also home to Fort Stevens State Park where I spent a part of my day. At the point, at Fort Stevens, the Columbia river is on one side and the Pacific Ocean on the other. There is a jetty separating the two and you can walk out quite a ways on the jetty if you want to.
Back on the Road Again
After two weeks visiting family and taking a break from van life, I am back on the road again. I made my way to the Oregon Coast and slowly moving along the coast enjoying amazing views out of the back of my van.
In between Depot Bay and Newport is a great place to see the humpback whales. I had a favorite spot to park my van during the day and for sunsets, where I saw several whales quite close to shore. This area had deeper waters close to shore and didn’t have a beach. I was unable to get a picture because the whales only surfaced very short periods of time and went right back under the water. So I borrowed a photo as a reminder of this amazing experience. I was able to
identify where the whales were by the spouting.
This leg of the journey seems to be more about writing and reflection and less about hiking and activity. I’ve spent long hours curled up in the back of my van with my journal writing down my inner reflections and the wisdom of higher guidance.
The coast is quite cool, compared to other places I’ve been and the wind has been very strong. The cool temperatures inspire going into my Van Cave, to break the wind. I often have the doors open, depending on which direction the wind is blowing. I feel fortunate that my little condo on wheels has seen some amazing views.
My first night at the beach, I had another encounter with a young man, twenty something, I would guess. I went to a Thai Restaurant to get “take out” and this bright, happy young man greeted me with a big “HI” as I walked in the door. Just like the experience at Birch Bay, I was taken a bit by surprise and I asked him if he worked there. He said, “No, I just like the food.” I sat down next to him and we had a great talk about “living in vehicles,” and music. We were both musicians and were currently living in our vehicles. Within minutes we were talking like two old friends and passed the time as I ordered and waited for my food. Joshua shared his music with me and I shared a bit of mine with him. We said our goodbyes and parted ways. I enjoyed my Thai food at my favorite bluff, as I watched the glorious sunset. (If you are reading this Joshua, this is me saying hi and thank you for your kindness.)
There was a very beautiful, majestic cloud formation in the sky that night.
Sometimes along the road of life, we have the opportunity to experience the random kindness of strangers, who are really “friends in disguise.” It is as if “light recognizes light” and “love recognizes love.” Just this morning, prior to sitting down to write this post, a stranger bought my coffee. The coffee house preferred cash to credit and I didn’t have anything smaller than a hundred, which they couldn’t break. I went to grab my debit card and the man behind me in line paid for my coffee. Of course, this felt amazing and I had a smile on my face that seemed to be contagious as I became aware of others smiling at me. Smiles are so infectious. We need to use them more often.
Have you ever seen the video where someone on a commuter train started laughing. The laughter was contagious and all the solemn faces on the train just couldn’t contain their smiles. Everybody on the train was laughing within a short time and people were getting on the train to this overwhelming presence of happiness and laughter. They couldn’t help but to join in. People were getting off the train with big smiles on their faces.
We have such power to affect others positively with just a warm heart, a kind smile and a caring act. If each morning when we wake up we can ask the question “how can I grow in greater love today?” We will be guided and given opportunities to let our love light shine.