Dipping my Toes into Minimalism
My River Trail Daily Walk As I write this, I am in the process of moving into my minivan for the summer. I have seen many people living in a minivan or some kind of RV; not necessarily because they can’t afford a home, but to embrace a more “free,” minimalistic lifestyle.
Although I love my home in Arizona, I like to venture out in the heat of the summer and travel. I’ve stayed in a lot of Airbnb’s, but this requires booking ahead and determining how long I am going to stay at each place I book. It can also get expensive if you don’t book longer stays where the discount is larger.
I’ve had a minivan before and loved the freedom I had to just go wherever my heart guides me. This is “true freedom.” I purchased a couple hotspot units so that I will have Wifi for my work and will continue to take my clients over phone and Skype via my minivan office.
It is a project to decide what to take and just what I need. It reminds me of earlier backpacking trips where I had to fit everything I would need for a week, including food, in a forty pound pack. Okay, well this is much easier. I am fitting everything I need for four months into a minivan. I need to fit the majority of my clothes into one 7 inch high bin. I need to fit all my kitchen items into one small crate.
I am putting my cargo carrier on top of the Van to house my tents, extra chair, camping table and things I will only be using on longer stays. I’ve decided against hauling my bike, because in the past trips, I just didn’t ride enough to make it worth having to continually unstrap it from the back prior to opening my rear hatch. I am more inclined to grab my walking stick and head out on the trails on foot.
When I begin to take inventory of all my “stuff,” if boggles my mind how much I think I need. Every time I go on a journey, I get rid of more stuff, and try hard not to replace it. Going from a nineteen hundred square foot home to an 8 x 10 cargo space challenges one’s dependency on “stuff.”
I have taken two maiden voyages in the Van, camping out on a friends property. It gives me a sense of how it feels to stay in the van and what I need to improve on, before going. I realized the mattress slid around on the wood frame, so I bought some of that rubberized shelf liner and put it down under the mattress. Last time I camped the mattress stayed in place. I bought a new coleman two burner stove and have it on a metal shelf unit in the back. Even though I had put the “no skid” shelf paper down under the stove, it was still sliding around, so will have to bungee it, when my cords arrive. I have a beautiful little cooler that plugs into my cigarette lighter, in the back of the van and can sit upright, just like a small fridge. I’m going to love that. So I have my little kitchen set up in the back, almost ready to go.
You can come fly with me and follow me on my journey by signing up for my Newsletter. This newsletter is just for my “Flying Solo” journey.
Funny how the songs from an album I recorded i 2004 are now coming back to accompany me on my journey. For a long time, I put them away and allowed them to fade. But these songs are part of the collection I put out into the world on my musical journey. I don’t record much anymore. But I am excited to re-visit the songs I have recorded and re-introduce the music and the messages.
The song “Free” is appropriate as I head out on my Mystical Van Ventures. I truly am free! I am free to go where the wind carries me. I can’t look back at what I have left behind, because in the truth, I have left nothing behind. It is all with me. The whole of my experiences live in my heart and the greatest effort has been to transmute it all so there is nothing left but LOVE.
We often get this idea that love comes from “out there;” from “someone else.” We so often feel lost, isolated and alone believing love has somehow forsaken us. We fear “losing love” and we fear we won’t find it. What I have found, on my journey’s is that the love I had been seeking was here with me all along. Just like Dorothy from the Wizard of OZ. She always had the power to go home. It was there within her. She just didn’t know it. She had to take the journey to the great OZ, looking for that magical wizard, “out there” who had the answers for her. But what she discovered was that the answers lie within. The true “wizard” is within. Call it OZ. Call it GOD. Call it Higher Self. It doesn’t matter much what we call it. What matters is that we learn to embrace it; to experience it and to live by this force within.
True Freedom is when we discover there really is “no other.” The world we experience “out there” is but a mirror of the world we experience within. This is why it is so important that we get it right with ourselves first, before we try to “get it right” with anyone else. ME before WE.
And so the journey continues…..
Hush now my sweet love
Do not be afraid
Where I am going, you cannot touch me
But that doesn’t mean I’m not here
I haven’t disappearedHeaven has paved the way
And I’m walking through the gates
Approaching the mystery….
I am free!We couldn’t be together
We couldn’t be apart
Our love reaches through to forever
It lives on in our heartsHeaven has paved the way
And I’m walking through the gates
Approaching the mystery….
I am free!
Flying Solo
Several years ago I had the idea to write a book called “Flying Solo” as a journal and guide to embracing life single. There is so much negative energy around “being single” and finding “the one.” Well, I have given up all that. If someone special comes into my life, great. But I’m not going to wait around for it and find fault with myself for not having met “the one.” After working through all my stuff (well, most of it) around being single and not belonging to anyone, I have realized that I belong to the world and I’m going to live my life with passion.
Although the book itself, is still a work in progress, as am I, I thought it was time to share a deeper part of myself with you. I want to share the depth, the emotion, the excitement and the adventure. How can being single or “flying Solo” be a rich, rewarding and spiritually actualizing experience? Well, let’s explore the many possibilities, together.
Flying solo doesn’t eliminate the possibilities of sharing the journey. It is a journey unto itself. Sometimes we walk alone. Sometimes we walk with others. Both paths are beautiful.
Recently, I made the decision to buy a minivan. I wanted a red minivan and this is what I would manifest. My plan was to outfit my minivan for camping and hit the road, allowing my intuition and my excitement to guide me. I would stop and smell the roses; hike as much as I could and experience nature on a deeper level.
In today’s mad technological world, we have become so separated from nature. We hole up in our safe homes and “plug in” to the Internet, our Cell phones, social media, and all those things that distract us from being out in the world, experiencing life and our connection with nature. I’m guilty of doing the same, and this is why the road is calling.
I’ve done a lot of traveling over the years, but mostly staying in AirBnB’s. The Van Life would give me the opportunity to be more spontaneous and not have to plan where I’m staying or how long. If I feel like “moving on” I just crawl in my Mini Motorhome and go….
Well, I bought my red minivan and I’m on my way. I hope to share my journey’s with you and perhaps even inspire others who are “flying solo” or even “flying in a flock,” and those who are just learning to fly.
See you on the road!